Tuscany: Chianti Classico DOCG

Located within the 65km of densely-wooded, hilly terrain between Siena and Firenze, the Chianti Classico DOCG is an extraordinary union of timeless scenery and world-class wines.

With little moderating influence from the Mediterranean, the climate is hot and dry in summer, and cold in winter.  The predominant influence on the development of the grapes’ structure and flavour compounds is altitude.  The drinker can discern this, with wines from the lower-lying Western portion tending to be richer, fuller-bodied, softer and higher in alcohol, and those from the higher altitude Eastern side showing more finesse, nuance, and higher acidity. The best wines come from the zones between 300-500m a.s.l.

Traditionally, ageing took place in Slavonian oak or chestnut botti (casks), but small French oak barrels are now in common use, of which many producers use a proportion of new oak.

The disciplinare dictates a minimum 80% Sangiovese in the blend, with the balancing 20% from other permitted black grapes, usually the native Canaiolo and Colorino, with some use of Merlot.  Many producers use 90% Sangiovese, with some (like our Querciabella) working with 100% Sangiovese. Wines are typically aged one or two years in their barrel.

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