Wine Tour: Terredora, Master winemakers of Campania. Wednesday 12 May, repeated Saturday 15 at 18:45.
The wines of Campania are among the most fascinating, varied and undiscovered of the Italian regions, and the family name most synonymous with its post-war renaissance is that of Mastroberardino. Terredora is fully owned by the Mastroberardino family and their wines represent three generations of belief, perserverance and investment in the region’s native varieties. Join us for a unique journey into the gems of this legendary estate.
We will taste the following six wines, all traditional wines of Campania from the Terredora stable (the shelf prices in brackets are provided for reference):
For the first time, we are offering you the option to receive your samples in different sizes: 50ml, 375ml (half bottles), or 750ml (full-sized) bottles. A case of 750ml bottles comes with a complimentary pair of ‘deli packs’, with the option to purchase additional packs for your guests.
The ticket price includes a selection of treats from our counters to accompany the presentation and tasting.